Hi! A little about me, I am a mom to three amazing boys and a wife (my husband is pretty amazing too).

I’ve been a licensed in-home childcare provider for over 15 years. I am more than happy to help anyone look into this option for yourself if it is something you would like to do. There really is nothing better than getting to stay home with your littles, in my opinion. Send me an email at monica@mommahasaplan.com if you want to talk about opening an in-home childcare.

I love making my own learning printables for my own children and daycare kids. You’ll find free printables all over this site as well as my Etsy page Little Learners By Mo. As a thank you for checking out both my website and Etsy page, click HERE for 20% off anything in my shop or use code MOMMAHASAPLAN at checkout. No refunds will be given so don’t forget to add the code!!

Over the years I have come to really love working with the younger toddlers, particularly ages 1-3. They are so willing to try new things when it comes to art and activities. I love getting to introduce them to things like painting with flowers or spaghetti noodle sensory bins. Learning through songs and dancing. Fine motor skills like pinching a tweezers. Painting with our hands or feet.

I love messy art and messy activities.

I hope you find some great ideas for the children in your life throughout my blog pages. I love talking about our activities and tips and tricks to make it easy for you.

I would love to hear from you!

Connect with me at
